Queen of the Dark Chamber 暗室之後(英)

特價 CA$22.10 原價 CA$26.00
It is a time of heavy persecution in China. Christiana Tsai becomes a follower of Christ. An autobiography, "Queen of the Dark Chamber" exposes Christiana's severe suffering because of her conversion. Through her, however, the light and life of the gospel and the glory of Christ is revealed. Step into her life and taste the bitterness of sin around her and the brilliant sweetness of Christ's light in the midst of trial.
Name Queen of the Dark Chamber 暗室之後(英)
重量 (kg) 0.59
作者(中文名) ZNA
作者(英文名) Christiana Tsai
翻譯 NA
國際標準書號 163420027
出版社 基督使者協會/Ambassadors for Chris
頁數 446
尺寸 15.8 x 21.5 x 2.5 cm
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